Tools for Global Citizenship
Globaalikasvatus.fi provides information on the themes and actors of global education.
Global Citizenship Education is about understanding one’s own world an being critical about how that world influences on and contributes to issues of global justice.
Global Citizenship Education is defined as education that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the world, and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all. (The Maastricht Global Education Declaration 2002).
Global Citizenship Education is concerned about global issues. It presents development as a shared responsibility between development actors around the world. Global Citizenship Education is about working in solidarity with people that are most affected by global poverty and injustices. Solidarity is about understanding one’s own world and being critical about how that world influences on and contributes to issues of global justice.
The development challenges of the 21st century go beyond the traditional economic and geographical boundaries between the North and the South. The problems that we are facing today are global problems, such as climate change, persistent existence of poverty, violation of human rights and inequality in the world. Poor and rich people can be found in the so called “developed world” as well as in the “developing world”.
Global Citizenship Education is about first looking at the mirror, reflecting one’s own motives, attitudes and behaviour and only after that acting for global justice from a more conscious position. Global education has a political nature. It encourages citizens to demand and act for a world of greater justice. It aims to bring to light and mitigate the structures that produce and strengthen global injustices and unsustainable livelihoods.
Aims of Global Citizenship Education
- To develop citizens awareness, promote self-reflection and critical understanding of the interdependent world and of their role, responsibilities and lifestyles in relation to a globalized world.
- To support their active engagement in local and global attempts to eradicate poverty and promote justice, human rights and sustainable ways of living.
- To change local, national and global structures that sustain global inequalities and unsustainable lifestyles.
Wide range of actors and methods
Global Citizenship Education belongs to all age groups and citizens. The methods of Global Citizenship Education vary from advocacy campaigns to school visits, from culture projects to e-learning events. It is conducted for people from all ages and backrounds: schools, workplaces, free time activities and culture life.
There are dozens of NGOs and citizens groups who act for global citizenship and justice in Finland. If you are interested to learn more about the state of global education in Finland, you can read the Peer Review of Finnish Global education on the website of Global Education Network Europe.
Globaalikasvatus.fi website contains a material bank with examples of hundreds of Global Citizenship Education materials and methods. The materials are mostly in Finnish and can be found in the Vinkit section. Some tips are also in English.
Fingo serves organizations working on Global Citizenship Education
Fingo coordinates a global education network comprising more than 100 organizations. Fingo bolsters organizations’ operational requisites by offering organizations training and interest supervision. It also encourages the cooperation of organizations and other actors working in the field of global education.
In Fingo Global Citizenship Education is understood widely as an activity guiding people’s joint responsibility worldwide. The topics of global education include:
- Human rights
- Sustainable development
- Diversity
- Peace
- Media
- Environment and climate change
In its own areas of work Fingo focuses on Global Citizenship Education, the aim of which is to increase people’s engagement and action towards global justice and sustainable development. Fingo conducts global education by arranging and supporting the arrangement of events and producing publications.
The Trailblazers of Global Bildung Project
The project, Trailblazers of Global Bildung, is a Global Citizenship Education project coordinated by Fingo. The project aims to strengthen the holistic understanding of global Bildung in line with the UN Agenda 2030. The project brings together actors for peer-learning in order to develop ways to promote a globally sustainable and just future through education, culture and civic engagement. The project kicked off in early August 2021 and will end in May 2022.
Read more about the project here: Trailblazers of Global Bildung.
Fingo – Finnish Development NGOs
Lintulahdenkuja 10 (2nd floor)
00500 Helsinki
Anna Kivimäki-Pelluz